Generally speaking men's reaction to the information was very positive, while women's reactions was more worried for me. Maybe it's the nurturing part of women? I had several women who were generally concerned that I was losing it.
The most encouraging comment I received was that the information was merely information and it's very healthy to get the truth out as long as it didn't fall into judgment of myself. I honestly didn't feel like I was judging myself in most areas, just stating facts, but women tended to see it as being judgmental while men took it merely as facts.
Yes I may have had a tendency to focus on the "negative" instead of the positive aspects of my personality, but I was just trying to be honest and fight the perception that I'm the perfect homeschooling mother whose home is always clean, my kids never fight, or never watch T.V. ect, ect, ect. . . So for me it was good and freeing and that's all I'm going to say about that.
I don't have anything profound for today, just some pictures of the kids on Super Bowl Sunday. It's been awhile since I've posted pictures and thought you might enjoy looking them over. Hope all of your Sunday's were Super!
Josiah and Joshua snuggled on the couch watching the action.
Nathaniel, Naomi and Rebakah coloring during the game, much more entertaining.
Samuel hanging out at the bottom of the stairs, remote in hand.
I can't wait to see them all in person!!!! :)
I always read your blogs in Google reader, so I just saw your header image - is that new? it's a great picture of you guys.
Yes Paul, it was our Christmas card, didn't you get one? Oh wait, they are still sitting in my kitchen waiting to be addressed :)
Ha, yea thanks for that shout out! :) I was just thinking about HOW I wanted to respond to your prior blogs...and here's what stuck out:
Your Dad absolutely would have been proud of who you've become. You have no idea how he would have changed over the years, so it's not fair for you to judge yourself based on your memory of him back then.
I wholeheartedly believe that God cares more about how you're doing on a day to day basis than whether or not you spend "quiet time" with Him. My QT with Him while taking care of a kid is often just talking to Him throughout the day or listening to worship music. I can only imagine how much more difficult it is to make that time while taking care of/teaching/feeding/cleaning up after/playing with/loving 6 kids!
I already knew about your messy house, though it has always been clean whenever we've come over to visit. No need to impress us, you know! :)
Love you, Alicia, and thanks for blogging again and putting up it's my turn! :)
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