Saturday, April 4, 2009

Confessions of a Blog Stalker

So I don't know why exactly, but I wanted to get this "out there".

I am a blog stalker.

My husband teases me about this all the time. I really don't think there is anything wrong with it, being how the creators of the blogs know that their information is out there for all to see. I don't do anything negative with the information, I just find it extremely interesting to read. Oh and I blame all of this on my good friend who lives far away and was having a baby and introduced me to blogland by starting a blog for friends and family to follow her journey :) Before that I didn't really know blogs even existed.

Seriously, if you have a blog, I probably read it. I know there are hundreds of thousands of blogs out there and believe me I don't read them ALL, but I do read a lot of them. I've found blogs through various sources. Some people have told me their blogs, some have links in their e-mail signature, some have been on "blogs of note", some I've found through friends blogs. . .the ways go on and on.

What does all this mean and why must I admit to this? I know I am one of those people who enjoys "people watching" and this is one way to people watch without leaving my kitchen. It's one way I connect with other adults, again without having to leave my kitchen, even if it's only a virtual connection. I know that I have cried through experiences with "complete strangers" I put that in quotes because they don't feel like complete strangers to me. God has used posts to challenge me, to move me to action, to pray.

A lot of good has come from it, but also some bad. I know I have ignored my kids more than once for the sake of finishing reading a blog. If I listed all the blogs I read/check regularly, you may be shocked. Some people I know in real life, some just in blog land. Some inspire me to be a better mother, some have encouraged me in this path of life, some make me feel like less of a mother for not doing what they are doing. Some have challenged the way I see the world and God (in a good Christian kind of way). Some have brought new recipes into our lives.

I feel like blog land for me is kind of the front porch of old. Instead of going out every night and sitting to chat with each other I still hear the stories of the day through cyberspace. I have read blogs on quadruplets, blogs on mothers of many (as many as 16), blogs on homeschooling, blogs on recipes, blogs on adoption, blogs on crafting, blogs on dulas/midwifery, blogs on cancer battles, and blogs on daily life. Each has touched something in me is some way.

So, now I've said it, and I'm putting it out there for everyone to know.


Cindy said...

Enjoyed your confessions and have to agree, it is a lot like people watching! So thank you for sharing, as I am a "blog stalker/people watcher" as well. However, don't have a blog to be stalked, but facebook will have to do! Ü


Stephanie said...

I'm watching you.... ha ha ha!

Derek and Rachel said...

You crack me up! And thanks for working so hard at keeping your blog updated, we love the "window" into your lives as well! ...and kids have been ignored for worse things :)

S said...

We all do it!