Bubba wanted a Diego cake for his birthday, even though we don't have cable and I think he's only seen one or two episodes of the show, but mommy obliged his request.
It's hard to believe he is 3, it seems like just yesterday that I was finding out I was pregnant with him. His pregnancy was emotionally my hardest, his labor was the most trying on our marriage, and he had the most serious health issues after birth (spending 1 week in the hospital at 5 weeks old with RSV) BUT, he is the most laid back of our children, the most loving and happy of the kids and the sparkle in his eyes when he smiles could melt anyone's stone cold heart. I cannot imagine our lives without him and it is a joy to be his mommy.
He is ALL boy and always has been, he really loves playing with cars and trains and really loves digging and making mud! His language has grown a ton over the last year. At his 2 year check the Dr. wanted him to go to a speech therapist (which we never did) but at his 3 year check the Dr. felt like his speech was right on track for his age. It's so cute the way he says "yoocum" for you're welcome. It makes Joel and I smile. He is starting to show his little will, and does have to occasionally fight for his place in the family. Sometimes he gets easily frustrated with us when we don't fully understand what he is saying, but he quickly turns his attitude around. For now he is still Bubba, but I don't know if the nickname will stick forever, as he's growing up he seems less like a Bubba to me, but if you ask him his name he says it's Bubba. We love you Bub! Happy Birthday.
good looking cake....it's funny that he likes deigo...
love the photo of him with Eva...so great!
josiah and noami....slow down, you are going to make me vomit just looking at you!
so great, wish i was there....love you all!
certainly melted my stone cold heart....
I agree with theanna about nearly vomiting watching video 1. And I laughed out loud at video 2 - so cute.
I like his train conductor's hat - he's workin it!
and Alicia, you seriously need to start charging your children for their cakes - they're incredible.
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