Life has been good, busy but good busy. This weekend was no exception. Joel and I sat down (actually more I) Saturday morning and made a list of things to get accomplished and he laughed at me and said, "There is no way we're doing all of that today!" I, however, remained full of optimism. We got a lot of it done, but alas, not all of it.
The morning started off with an egg hunt at the park down the street, it lasted all of 3 minutes. The eggs weren't really hidden, just placed all over the baseball outfields and after the countdown the kids ran out and collected as many eggs as they could while parents pushed other kids out of their kids way! It was great! The kids had fun, but it was a little crazy in my opinion. Our kids got some fun things, but the greed of other parents/kids was amazing.
Then in the evening we went to the FBC easter play. They had child care for the younger kids, which was a huge blessing and Josiah and Joshua watched the play with us. It was good for them to get to "see" the story of Jesus. Josiah was very emotionally moved and Josh just wanted to know "why that narrator guy had to talk to much." Maybe 5 was a little young for him to fully grasp the easter story.

Sunday we woke up, took baths, explored our easter baskets, ate breakfast and then got dressed and off to church. The boys each got to pick out their easter shirts and were all very proud to wear their clip-on ties. The girls wore dresses mommy made. Rebekah's was a little loose on top, but she was still cute.

Then after church we were off to Gram and Papa's house for a large easter dinner. There were Grandmas, Grandpas, Aunts, Uncles and cousins all gathered and more food than a small army could eat, although we tried! It was a good weekend and now it's back to the reality of house -- cleaning, laundry and cooking (it seems this never stops!) Here are some pictures of them before we left for church and they got all messy.

Josiah is doing well, he thinks he's a grown up and I'm trying to encourage him to be a kid while he is one. He looking forward to starting baseball in about 2 weeks.

Josh with his tie that was a little too short! He's a great kid who loves to read and loves rules.

Naomi has been in a dance class this spring and is looking forward to her performance at the end of the month.

Nathaniel has a new hobby of tying anything he can. Shoelaces, wires, jump ropes, belts, thread, yarn, I've found it all tied and wound through any holes he can find.

Rebekah is a busy one, she loves to eat anything, but especially candy. She can open the refrigerator and likes to sit on the bottom shelf with her feet sticking out munching on cheese or grapes. She's starting to talk and I told Joel the other day, I don't know if I'm ready for 5 kids to be calling out MOM all day long.

Samuel was still in bed during the group photo shoot, but once he was up, he wasn't very interested in having his picture taken. He's a good boy and usually really happy with a smile on his face. He is sitting on his own now and eating some "solids" preferring fruits over veggies. No teeth yet, and I'm sure he'll be crawling before I know it.
Hope you all had a blessed weekend celebrating that HE IS RISEN!!
oh my goodness......i love this post!! alicia you did an amazing job on their dresses, i'm totally impressed!! like the sigle photo of naomi/joel's belly...ha. your kids look amazingly great, and i'm such a proud aunt, they are perfect....well, most the time, right?? anyways, just wanted to write a note......we didn't even take a family photo...that's just how overwhelmed i am these days! so good on ya sis!
Beautiful dresses, Alicia! I don't know how you find the time to sew with such a busy household. Any tips? I'm serious, I feel overwhelmed with 1 child and a 1-bedroom apartment! BTW, Josh is my kind of kid - reading, rules, and I've always remembered the narrator talking too much :)
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