For a little over a month, Joel and I have known of the next little one's presence, but we weren't sure we were ready for the news and knew that we weren't ready to be sharing it just yet. Based on dates and symptoms, we were pretty confident that I was indeed expecting, but we thought for sure that our due date was in early to mid October. This put the difference between Rebekah and #6 at 15 months, which is our average spacing between kids and even though we were being really careful, it still seemed to make sense that this was what God had for us.
While I was pregnant with Rebekah, I felt like God told me there was one more child for our family and I felt fairly strongly it was going to be a boy (so we'll see about that) and if there was only going to be one more, we would want them to be close to their brothers and sisters and not the lone ranger child who is 5 years younger than the gang.
Well, the big surprise from yesterday was that we found out even though I should be 9 weeks along according to the October date, the little guy is about 13 weeks "big" so, my due date is now September 13th. The change in due dates doesn't really affect us too much, it just makes the pregnancy 1 month shorter, which no woman would ever complain about, and means Rebekah and this one will be 14 months apart. The baby looked healthy, had a strong heart beat, and was kicking his legs quite a bit during the ultra sound.
So, there is the unofficial, official announcement. If you find this before we tell you than good sleuthing skills! We are excited, nervous and overwhelmed but know that God has a plan and is blessing our family of 8!
I just have to say that I'm very excited to meet #6. I know that he (ok, maybe she, but we're hopeful) will be just as cute and wonderful as the other 5 already are. Love you guys!
Hey Hey!! What a great announcement - good news indeed!
Psalm 127:3
"Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward."
We are happy for the expanding Dennis population!
Eric & Rosie
PS - I love the "Dennis Bunch" blog. Has a nice ring to it!
Wowza! And again I say Wowza! That's great news! Pretty soon you'll be driving the big homeschool conversion van! :P We are excited for you!!
We are glad you joined the blog revolution! Congrats on both counts!
So, I guess I'm a good sluether !?!?! When we stopped by today, Ryan said he suspected MAYBE something was up....probably because you said "we'll keep having them for you..." :>) So, I guess that this next one is for us ?!?! :>) Thanx! ~Marisa
i think you are faking it.
a little early for april fools don't you think?
if this is true, i believe that you need one more for a full "quiver"
we love and miss you and cant wait to meet number 4, 5, and 6.
ryan and ellie
You are amazing vessel of GOD!! WOW!! ~colleen
Wow, I loved your announcement! I'm not shocked at all. You are amazing & I am blessed by your commitment to what God has shown you for your family.
Stefanie Delongchamp
Congratulations! Hmmm, I wonder who #6 will look like. . .! We love you guys and wish we could see you more! love me
congrats guys! also just wanted to say how happy we are to see you have a blog... looking forward to keeping up with you better!
WOW - you guys are amazing. I haven't even met Nate or Rebekah yet. I'm hoping to get my family out to Colorado this coming Winter but the coordinating of money and schedules is always a challenge. We are very happily expecting Jim, Kathie and Stephen coming today for Easter dinner - what a blessing! Tanner is very excited.
Sounds like things are tough for you guys right now, I will be praying for you. Last October I got laid off from a job without warning. I wasn't sure what to do exactly but very quickly I made a decision that I wanted something solid, long term with good benefits. I started researching County and State jobs. I took a few tests. Eventually I got hired by the California Department of Mental Health, commuting to Sacramento which is about 35 miles from our house. I take a commuter bus that I like very much. The future opprtunities in State employment are endless. There are thousands of different types of jobs in hundreds of different departments. Once I pass the probation period, the job security is amazing. I don't know if this helps you but it is something to consider. I believe that years ago Kathie had a great job in County government. You might ask her about it too.
Uncle John, Pam, Patrick & Tanner
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