I was raised in a family that didn't celebrate Halloween, so when we had kids I told Joel that I didn't really want to celebrate it with our kids. There was much discussion about it, but we finally decided that as a family we would not celebrate Halloween, but then there was the problem with what to do with the evening. The kids are somewhat aware of what goes on between what they see on T.V., what other kids talk about, the "decorations" that are up at other houses and the fact that dressed up kids come to our door asking for candy. When I was a kid it was our family tradition to go to Pizza Hut for Halloween and we were able to avoid most trick or treaters who might come to our door. I guess you could say that we have a similar tradition, although we do not patronize Pizza Hut, instead it is Chipotle. We have been going to Chipolte for Halloween for the last 8 years (even before kids). They run a promotion every year they call "Boo-rrito" where if you "dress up" as a burrito you get one free. So, here are the kids dressed up for our free dinner. Really all it takes is a little tinfoil and you get free dinner.

Even a baby burrito (and almost a smile!)

And here are mommy and daddy burrito on our way to Chipotle. If you ask Josiah what we do on Halloween, he will very excitedly say, "We dress up like burritos and get free Chipotle!" It may not be a very traditional Halloween, but it works for us.

We then come home to pass out candy in an effort to be good neighbors to the other kids on the block.
It's funny.....b/c I don't remember going to Pizza Hut as our family tradition...but I don't remember a lot of things....I just know it was not really celebrated in our home, I remember going to the church thing mainly.....
Anyways, LOVE the pics!!! Samuel's the best!! Ha.....Joel, your hat's pretty cool too! Anyways....thanks for letting us in on this, it's SO going to happen every year for us! I was surprised that you guys handed out candy......have you always done that?? Well...I enjoyed the post!
I came upon your blog the other day and was blessed as I read a bit of it. I will have to come back often and *visit*. I would enjoy having you stop by and visit my blog as well.
Chipotle is one of our favorite places to go and treat ourselves. The burrito attire, and FREE dinner, is a GREAT tradition. We may have to incorporate that into our yearly traditions. Fun, fun, fun!
A little fact that you may be able to use as you kiddos get older: It was on Oct. 31st, 1517 that Martin Luther posted his 95 thesis to the (Luttinberg?) German Catholic Church door. There are several "Reformation Day" resources out there that are fun and educational.
Blessings; Carrie
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