Here are the other 5 truly amazed at how wonderful their parents (and grandma) are for taking them to have sooooooo much fun. Can't you just feel the excitement in their looks?
Well I guess one of them is smiling. That is close to 5 right. Oh yeah and we have one of those new kind of cameras (I think they are called "digital") where you can take several million pictures and just delete the bad ones ... so here is the one I didn't delete! Thank you technology!
As I was making dinner tonight (well I made the side dishes, Alicia made the main course shreaded BBQ chicken sandwiches, yum... but I digress) I had to get this great shot of Rebekah and her brother (or as Nathaniel calls him, "newbabyboy," which is said as one word with no breaths in between words with an emphasis placed in the oi part of boy)
Oh wait that isn't really why I took that picture for those of you who didn't see why I took the picture here is another picture from a different perspective.
Yeah that's right Rebekah has finally learned how to climb onto the kitchen chairs then onto the kitchen table (I only say finally because Naomi had this mastered at the very old age of 10 months). Yea! Who doesn't love the fear that at any moment your child might slip and fall off the kitchen table and you can't do anything about it because it isn't very practical to screw the chairs to the ground close enough to the table to where she can't climb onto the chair then onto the table, especially not my chair, because well... put it this way, I just need a little bit more room between my chair and the table then Josiah does.
Here is a picture of Naomi about the same age as Rebekah is right now. The really don't look as much alike as I had thought they were.
1 comment:
Yay! I love that you guys have kept up with the blogging thing! Its so great to see all the photos which I normally would have had to wait ages for, and to hear all the stories about life in the dennis household. I don't know when you have time to do it, but I'm glad you do! By the way, isn't Samuel going to kill you when he gets older and realises you put a video of him naked on the internet?!
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