Rebekah is 13 months old today and is definitely walking. She has also learned to crawl down stairs, which has opened up a whole new level of independence for her. She follows her brothers and sister around the house and doesn't get "stuck" when they go bouncing down the stairs. She's a very happy girl and getting so big, but I'm not sure she's ready to be replaced as the baby.
Josiah is reading, not novels, but enough that it often surprises me what he reads. He always wants to play on the computer and is really looking forward to starting school in a few weeks. He has 3 more loose teeth, but doesn't want any help wiggling them out. He is a big helper around the house and seems to "get it" the most of all of them that with a family our size everyone needs to pitch in.
Nathaniel is almost 2 1/2 and is entering the "wonderful" two's. He is usually one of our happiest kids, but there are moments when he is also quite a challenge. His language skills are still developing and it is often frustrating for him to get across what he wants, causing much frustration. He has grown very attached to his blanket and carries it around constantly. He is also very willing to do/try anything his big brothers or sister are doing.
Joshua is right on Josiah's heels and probably will be most of his life, he is on the verge of reading (although not quite there) and is also looking forward to school starting. We try to stress his individuality, but often he only wants what Josiah wants. Both boys are going to be in Soccer again this fall.
As for mommy, I am plugging away. Filling my day with dishes, dinner and dirty clothes. Glamorous I know! It has been very warm this summer, but we are currently in a bit of a "cold" streak which is a nice change of pace. We have about 5 weeks left before we meet #6. It's amazing how soon that will be! I am very ready to not be pregnant (my hips and back have been fairly sore the last week and I know it won't change until after delivery), but I'm not sure I'm quite ready to have 6 little one's to be chasing around. My mantra is "One Day at a Time" or even "One Hour at a Time" and sometimes "One Minute at a Time." Especially moments like yesterday when Naomi and Nathaniel decided they were hungry for cereal in the middle of the day and couldn't reach the bowls, so they just poured the cereal and milk right on to the kitchen floor for a snack.
After bath the other night Joel commented, "Since when did having 5 kids feel normal and not overwhelming?" to which I replied, "That must be why it's time to add #6!" Can't get too comfortable for too long before God decides it's time to stretch us a little more.
2 comments: where's your picture?? Mrs. Glamorous? Love you guys!
Ahhh, babe, you make it look/sound so easy! :) This is one gramma who can't wait to meet number six! Love to all of you! Jan
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