My wife is an inspiration to many families that we know. We personally know of two families that have been so impacted by her willingness to be obedient to God in choosing to have "so" many babies that they have chosen to have more kids even when they thought they were done.
Her faith level amazes me even though she will adamantly deny that she is my role model. Many of you who know me, know that I have crazy ideas with major consequences. Most of you either agree that what I think is logical and biblical, or simply don't have the desire to engage me in a debate (probably a good idea). The problem with my crazy ideas is that Alicia is often the one who has to suffer the consequences of them.

My beautiful bride turned 30 last month and is about to have our sixth child. I just wanted to take a moment to encourage all of you to encourage her with how she has impacted your life. I know that so many of you have been blessed by knowing her and I feel like it would be a good "birthday present" to tell her what you feel. I don't care if it is forced I want my babe to know how special she is and that I hope to spend the next 30+ growing old with her.
Babe, I love you more than life itself. I want to publicly thank you for being amazing.
Ahhh, my son, I couldn't agree with you more! I'm so very happy you brought me a new daughter 10 years ago--and most especially that the daughter you brought me was our amazing Alicia! She has a heart of gold, incredible patience, superb tolerance, and she's SUCH a wonderful mommie! Not to mention she makes the CUTEST babies! :) Can't wait to meet number six up close and personal. I love you both!
Ahh! That is so sweet, Joel! you keep telling her those things. a woman needs to hear it daily! Am I right, Alicia? May that baby come quickly! go Joel!!! Loved it!!
....and's SO SO SO SO true...well, except that I'm #2...b/c in our family I'm #3..hehe.
Awesome husband, Awsome Sister!! Awsome Marriage, Awesome Family! I love you all SO much!!!
~Your little little sis from the bestest Texas!
This is ginger, and I was checking in. Joel--this is a great post. I love your love for your wife! Praise God for your unity and His grace. Im glad to see everyone healthy-Reid is in soccer too--so cute and fun! He hasnt sat in the field(yet) but was distracted by a bug during practice :)
We are happy for you and you new blessing on the way!
Ginger Perron
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