(all the kids at the park on Saturday)
SURPRISE it was Joel who was also in Dallas. He had found a decent rate from Virginia to Dallas and came to surprise us for Josh's birthday on Saturday and our 10th anniversary. I was shocked, to say the least, but very excited to see him. The kids also enjoyed getting to see Daddy. It's amazing how muchyou can miss someone after only 2 weeks. It made me glad that he isn't in the military on deploym
ent for 18 months because that would be very difficult! What stamina and faith those women must have to be able to endure. We spent Saturday celebrating with a trip to the park, playing with the waterslide in the backyard and going to the Wiggles playplace. We opened presents and had Chipotle for dinner (Joel had been craving it for 2 weeks) and then finished the day with Cake and Ice Cream. It was a good and really full day and the kids never slept so well! Sunday was good also with church in the morning and then Joel
and I got to go to lunch just the 2 of us. It was so good to see him and will help us be able to push through the 2 more weeks until he's home again for good.
The Dennis Bunch at the park on Josh's 5th birthday and Our 10 year Anniversary.
1 comment:
Hi there! THis is Ginger from Va..Im glad to have faces to put with the stories! You have a beautiful family--and fun, Im sure. Were enjoying having Joel here, our kiddies love him..we'll miss him when he goes. If you want to look in, my blog is perronsplace.blogspot.com
Take care alicia!
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