Sunday, August 31, 2008

Some new songs for the Baby

The baby is coming soon so I figured I could post some new songs for the arrival of #6. And because there were rumors that no one really likes the Barney song from before.

Rebekah is very ready for the baby to come as she is very tired of being the cutest one in the family. Ok at least the cutest one in this picture.

Here is a walk down memory lane.

You can be praying for us as we prepare for "seis." We are getting anxious about it and are thinking it may come soon.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

It's Raining Teeth!

Josiah has lost two more teeth. One more on the bottom and one on the top. He's been pretty excited and has been keeping the tooth fairy very busy this month.

A few more weeks have gone by since my last post, and they have been busy ones. My sister came into town for a long weekend (it happened to be very cold and rainy all weekend). The cousins had fun playing together while the grown ups spent the evenings watching Michael Phelps make Olympic history and playing Texas Hold Em. It was good to have them in town and we are looking forward to seeing them and Aunt Mary and Trevor at Christmastime.

Josiah and Joshua started "school" on Monday. They go one day a week and Monday was their orientation/get to know your teachers day. It went well and I think they will really like it. Josh has 11 other kids in his kindergarten class, which seems like a very manageable size. Josiah is taking 6 classes including a Spanish and Computer class which he is very excited about. There are several families from our church that are also participating in the program, so it is nice to have some familiar faces in their classes. As for school at home, although I have their textbooks, I haven't sat down to figure out a schedule for this school year and haven't been very motivated to do so yet with the pending addition to the family. I may get around to it this weekend, but no promises.

Monday was also my 30th birthday. I had the chance to go out with Joel on Saturday night and celebrate, which is always a fun treat. Then Monday night I went out to the Melting Pot with Jess, my sister-in-law, for ladies night. It was a lot of fun to get away as just the girls. It's hard to believe I've crossed over into another decade. It feels like I should be more of a grown up than I feel like to say that I'm in my 30's.

The baby is due in 2 1/2 weeks, and although I have good intentions of posting weekly, I fully expect the next post will be an introduction post, so stay tuned . . . .

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Updates on life as usual

So it's August 7th and I haven't posted since July 18th and I'm sitting here trying to decide what in our life is "post" worthy.
Joel had a birthday and turned 29. Very exciting, for us to be the same age for just over a month! He has been working on his own for Integrity for just over a month and there have been ups and downs. He has had favor with several of the dealerships and has 8 accounts. The hardest part for me is the schedule. There have been some 12 hour days, and most are at least 9, nothing unbearable, but very different from the 4 hour days he was working for Brinks.

Rebekah is 13 months old today and is definitely walking. She has also learned to crawl down stairs, which has opened up a whole new level of independence for her. She follows her brothers and sister around the house and doesn't get "stuck" when they go bouncing down the stairs. She's a very happy girl and getting so big, but I'm not sure she's ready to be replaced as the baby.
Naomi has developed into quite a little mommy, always carrying at least one if not two baby dolls around the house. She is very interested in mommy having a new baby and keeps asking, "Where is the baby?" and, "How does it come out of your tummy?" For now we've just explained that the baby comes out of mommy's tummy at the hospital. Josh has decided it must come out my mouth, while Naomi thinks it must come out my toes. We'll correct them eventually, but for now ignorance seems acceptable.

Josiah is reading, not novels, but enough that it often surprises me what he reads. He always wants to play on the computer and is really looking forward to starting school in a few weeks. He has 3 more loose teeth, but doesn't want any help wiggling them out. He is a big helper around the house and seems to "get it" the most of all of them that with a family our size everyone needs to pitch in.

Nathaniel is almost 2 1/2 and is entering the "wonderful" two's. He is usually one of our happiest kids, but there are moments when he is also quite a challenge. His language skills are still developing and it is often frustrating for him to get across what he wants, causing much frustration. He has grown very attached to his blanket and carries it around constantly. He is also very willing to do/try anything his big brothers or sister are doing.

Joshua is right on Josiah's heels and probably will be most of his life, he is on the verge of reading (although not quite there) and is also looking forward to school starting. We try to stress his individuality, but often he only wants what Josiah wants. Both boys are going to be in Soccer again this fall.

As for mommy, I am plugging away. Filling my day with dishes, dinner and dirty clothes. Glamorous I know! It has been very warm this summer, but we are currently in a bit of a "cold" streak which is a nice change of pace. We have about 5 weeks left before we meet #6. It's amazing how soon that will be! I am very ready to not be pregnant (my hips and back have been fairly sore the last week and I know it won't change until after delivery), but I'm not sure I'm quite ready to have 6 little one's to be chasing around. My mantra is "One Day at a Time" or even "One Hour at a Time" and sometimes "One Minute at a Time." Especially moments like yesterday when Naomi and Nathaniel decided they were hungry for cereal in the middle of the day and couldn't reach the bowls, so they just poured the cereal and milk right on to the kitchen floor for a snack.

After bath the other night Joel commented, "Since when did having 5 kids feel normal and not overwhelming?" to which I replied, "That must be why it's time to add #6!" Can't get too comfortable for too long before God decides it's time to stretch us a little more.